Terms & Conditions

Browhemian will refuse service to candidates who check yes on any of the following conditions:

  • Those under 18 years of age

  • Those with diabetes

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women

  • Those with skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and undiagnosed rashes or blisters near procedure site

  • Those with known allergies to makeup or pigments

  • Active skin cancer near procedure site

  • Those with Hemophilia

  • Those who have healing disorders, on blood thinners, uncontrolled high blood pressure or had mitral valve Disorder.

  • Those taking blood-thinners

  • Those on any skin medication such as ro-accutaine, and other steroids that may thin and oversensitize the skin

If you have any additional conditions that were not mentioned above that you are unsure about, please contact us and we will give you a prompt reply.

Let us know if you have/had allergic reactions to topical anesthetics.

Other Contraindications

AHA’s (lactic, glycolic, citric, retinoic and tartaric acids) or any OTC creams and lotions for tone correcting, anti-aging, exfoliating, fading can discolor your permanent makeup.

Flu or Cold: Please stay home, reschedule your appointment if you have cold or flu or sinus/respiratory infection.

Coumadin: Amount of bleeding and response to topical epinephrine will determine coverage per appointment. If excessive bleeding occurs, extra appointments may be necessary for desired outcome or procedure may not be effective.

Cancers/Chemotherapy: Doctor's clearance may be necessary.

Laser eye surgery: Wait about 3 months for eyeliner procedure. All other permanent makeup procedures are ok.

Juvederm or other "fillers": Get permanent makeup first or ask your juvederm tech for clearance.

Shingles (varicella): If you have shingles on your face, wait several months to get permanent makeup.

Eyelift or blepharoplasty: Wait about 3 months.

Eyelash extensions: AFTER permanent makeup, not before. Or remove them before your procedure. Pinkeye: As soon as their infection has cleared, and medication completed.

Cold Sores: Clients with a history of cold sores need to pre-medicate with an anti-viral drug (Zoviraz, Valtrex, or Acyclovir) prior to a lip coloring procedure.